
  • hope (remembering Carl Sandburg)

    December 20, 2012

    we’re drifting down this wide river where no one has been before through unexplored country wild – often stupidly violent and fearful, but mostly beautiful intimate and nurturing harmoniously brilliant and sleek yet sometimes obsequious and so silly thick with scores of frightened sleepwalkers who ask no questions and only take what comes eternal hobos… [ read more ]

  • vinyl heaven

    December 1, 2012

    A space opened at home on one wall of a spare bedroom, so I took it as a sign. I put in some bookcases and pulled my vinyl record albums out of their crates and boxes from the various spots where I had them stashed. With much joy and anticipation, I moved my Thorens turntable… [ read more ]

  • thanksgiving

    November 21, 2012

    we walk barefooted down the path we choose as the years burn and smolder around us we’re short of breath our clothes smell like smoke but we soldier on always trying to make it to the next day to live a little longer on this astonishingly wonder-filled planet – feel the exhilaration of what will… [ read more ]