Down To Bone

you don’t really want to know my story
how I ended up living in my car
everything I own is in there
I don’t like it but that’s the way things are
I’m stuck in no man’s land
lost & alone
down to bone
I’ve been on the streets for two years
I’ve been out of work for three
all I want is a job that’ll let me
find out who I am again
I’m stuck in no man’s land
lost & alone
down to bone
first they give you a taste of honey
then you get the knife
they pretend that it’s all bout money
but they’re messing with our lives
I stand in line, I fill out forms
I know my luck has got to change
I will not give up hope
tomorrow may be a better day
this is still America
this is still my home
even tho I’m down
to bone
Down To Bone
About This Song:
3 years ago I bought a book at a garage sale called “Journey To Nowhere”. It was written in 1985 and described the plight of thousands of disenfranchised workers left impoverished by the closing of old school steel mills, iron factories, & auto plants in Midwest towns like Flint Michigan and Youngstown Ohio. These were people who had played by the rules all their lives and come up empty. As I was reading it, I realized that this same thing was happening again now – the transitions, the joblessness, the homelessness – only this time it was white collar unemployment. So I wrote this song.