
The Thrill

today I walked around

filling my pockets with rocks

ballast to hold me on the ground

so I won’t get sucked out of this world

another body sent to the zombie parking lot

t h o u g h

my mouth has become a thunderstorm

& steady breaths have given way

to habitual moans & puffs of frustration

& my hair is a lit fuse

creeping toward my brain

& sounds seem to linger longer

in my ears before dissolving

& the moons on my fingernails

have almost set

& I rub my eyes

in the relentless darkness

asking over & over

who’s there?

but no one answers

& my wick is burning down

sending smoke rings

floating into the sky

forming clouds

that look like white handkerchiefs

b u t

this is no surrender

b e c a u s e

my blood is a river

raging thru my veins

carbonated by confidence

s t i l l r e s t l e s s

still seeking the thrill